Read the section on the FDA, FTC and other government organizations. Understand how the government protects people from businesses. Be able to discuss these.
What is a patent troll and how do they hurt businesses? Watch this video to learn more.
Terrorist acts on 9/11 cost the US economy about $123 billion. Patent trolls cost the economy $29 billion each year to defend. What can be done? Listen to how one entrepreneur fought patent trolls.
Discuss the following questions:
- According to the article, what are the 2 key elements of the patent trolls' business model?
- Why have patent trolls been so successful?
- How did the Alice Corp vs CLS Bank decision help businesses in defending themselves against frivolous lawsuits?
Additional info on patent trolling.
Assignment: Study the next 5 terms on Quizlet.Complete the learn section and take a practice multiple choice test on the first 10 terms.
Add these 5 terms to your study list. Study the flash cards to familiarize yourself with these 5 new terms. Tale the learn module and take a practice test.
- Trademark
- Copyright
- Patent
- Cookies
- Information Liability
The discussion is worth 5 points. The Quizlet exercise is worth 5 points.
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