Thursday, January 22, 2015

Patent Trolls

Read Section 7.2 of your textbook. Make a note of the differences between patents, copyrights and trademarks. and how these regulations protect businesses.

Read the section on the FDA, FTC and other government organizations. Understand how the government protects people from businesses. Be able to discuss these.

What is a patent troll and how do they hurt businesses? Watch this video to learn more.

Terrorist acts on 9/11 cost the US economy about $123 billion. Patent trolls cost the economy $29 billion each year to defend. What can be done? Listen to how one entrepreneur fought patent trolls.

Discuss the following questions:
  • According to the article, what are the 2 key elements of the patent trolls' business model?
  • Why have patent trolls been so successful?
  • How did the Alice Corp vs CLS Bank decision help businesses in defending themselves against frivolous lawsuits?

Additional info on patent trolling.

Assignment: Study the next 5 terms on Quizlet.Complete the learn section and take a practice multiple choice test on the first 10 terms.

Add these 5 terms to your study list. Study the flash cards to familiarize yourself with these 5 new terms. Tale the learn module and take a practice test.

  • Trademark
  • Copyright
  • Patent
  • Cookies
  • Information Liability

The discussion is worth 5 points. The Quizlet exercise is worth 5 points.

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