Saturday, January 10, 2015

Is the public corporation dying?

Since 1997 the number of companies listed on stock exchanges has declines from 8800 to 4100. Why is this? Is the large publicly traded company a thing of the past? Carefully read the following article on the rise of the virtual corporation.

Also, read abut virtual corporations on page 150 of your textbook.
Assignment: Create a Google Document with a classmate answering the following questions.

  1. How did Dell Computer's business model differ from Nike's?
  2. What was the advantage of the Dell model?
  3. What was the advantage of Nike's business model?
  4. Why did the Nike model triumph?
  5. Why would the Nike business model lead to the reduction in the number of publicly traded companies?
  6. Do you think the Nike business model is sustainable? Why or why not?
  7. If you were to start a shoe business today, which model would you use? Nike's or Dell's? Explain your answer.
Title your document Virtual Corporation. Format your paper in 10 point Times New Roman double-spaced text. Put your name and your partner's name at the top. Research and discuss your answers before writing. Make sure you answer the questions in complete sentences! I'll be grading using the following rubric:

Grammar Usage and Punctuation 3 points
Formatting 3 points
Completeness of your answers 4 points
10 points total.

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