Since 1997 the number of companies listed on stock exchanges has declines from 8800 to 4100. Why is this? Is the large publicly traded company a thing of the past? Carefully read the following article on the rise of the virtual corporation.
Also, read abut virtual corporations on page 150 of your textbook.
Assignment: Create a Google Document with a classmate answering the following questions.
- How did Dell Computer's business model differ from Nike's?
- What was the advantage of the Dell model?
- What was the advantage of Nike's business model?
- Why did the Nike model triumph?
- Why would the Nike business model lead to the reduction in the number of publicly traded companies?
- Do you think the Nike business model is sustainable? Why or why not?
- If you were to start a shoe business today, which model would you use? Nike's or Dell's? Explain your answer.
Grammar Usage and Punctuation 3 points
Formatting 3 points
Completeness of your answers 4 points
10 points total.
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