Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Creating a stock portfolio

Now that you understand a little about stocks, it's not time to put together a portfolio. Research five stocks that you'd like to invest in using Yahoo Finance or any other resource you like. Open an account on the Money.CNN web site. Select 5 stocks and "invest" a total of $1000 in your portfolio. Allocate no more than $200 per stock. 

Now, how do I pick stocks? Here's a quick primer from the Money.CNN web site. Note the growth rate of the stock as well as the PE ratio. This will tell you whether a stock is overpriced or  bargain.

Read these links on building a portfolio.

Jim Cramer


Create and share a folder on your Google Drive called Stock Portfolio Project. Create a Google Doc called Five Elements. List the elements of a good stock portfolio. Write 2-3 sentences explaining each element in your own words. Submit it by the end of class for credit.

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