Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Management Lesson 1 - The Four Management Functions


  • Understand the four functions of all managers: planning, organizing, implementing, controlling
  • Differentiate the roles of Supervisor, Mid Management, and Executive Management 

Systems Thinking

To get started in thinking about how supervisors, managers and executives function, we're going to perform a short exercise. We're going to make toast, or at least plan the toast-making process.

  1. Take a clean sheet of paper and a marker and without using words draw an explanation of how to make toast. Simple right? Do not talk or share your drawings. Do it in 5 minutes. Go!
  2. Now, test out the effectiveness of your communication. See if a novice learner can understand your instructions. (10 minutes)
  3. Examine the drawings. Is there anything common? Notice that all instructional drawings have nodes which define tasks and links which define order. The combination of both creates a systems model.
  4. We can now measure the complexity of the task by counting the number of nodes. What is the class average? What level seems like too few and what level is too many? Select an optimal amount of nodes.
  5.  Now, using a marker and post-it notes. Make a note for each node. Arrange them on the white board in a way that makes sense. 
  6. Refine the process by adding nodes or combining them to make a simple model.
  7. Define which critical processes would need to be monitored to achieve a perfect piece of toast. 

Think: Where do the following processes occur in the sequence we just illustrated?
  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Implementing
  • Controlling
Study to chart on page 273 of your textbook. Notice the different levels of management and what roles each play in the work of managing a company.

Discuss: Which systems do you think were more effective, the individual drawings or the group drawings?
This is a process that many companies use to solve real world problems. What are some other inefficient systems you've experienced at a local business or school that could be refined using this method?

Assignment: Think of a common task that you regularly encounter at school such as studying for a test or writing a research paper,  Work with a classmate to create a visual representation of that system using a step-by-step drawing. Think about how you could improve the system to produce a more consistent result. What are the critical elements of the process? Turn in your plan for your daily grade. (5 points)

Watch this video to see how real companies are using this method to create systems that work.

Study the following vocabulary words for the next quiz:
  • Planning 
  • Organizing
  • Implementing
  • Controlling
  • Supervisor
  • Mid-Manager
  • Executive

9.1 Compare and contrast the types of organizational structures used in businesses.
14.1 Examine the basic steps in the process of controlling.
14.2 Analyze ways standards are used in a business.

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