Saturday, November 22, 2014

Portfolio Review

It's Thanksgiving week. So now is a good time to look back on the choices we made earlier this year and give thanks for our good (or soon to be good) fortune. Earlier this year we selected 5 stocks for our portfolio. I've created spreadsheets for each class showing the stock selections for each student. For these who did not turn in portfolios, I have listed some stocks for you. Here are the spreadsheets for you to reference.

Management Class A1

Management Class A2


Your assignment for this class is to review the performance of each stock in your portfolio. Follow these steps carefully.

1. Create a new folder on your Google Drive called Portfolio Review. Share it with me.

2. Create a new Google Sheets file in your Portfolio Review folder. Name the file Portfolio.

3. On your Google Sheets file, list each stock ticker in your portfolio in column A. If you can't find it in your CNNMoney portfolio, you can find it listed in one of the two files above.

4. Look up the starting price of each stock using the Yahoo Finance page. Look up the price on September 2 and at the close of business day last Friday. To do this, simply click on the 3m below the stock chart and slide your cursor on the chart to September 2 and record the opening price for that date.

5. Record the starting prices in Column B and last Friday's closing prices in Column C of the Google Sheets file you've created.

6. Using a calculator or formula, calculate the increase or decrease percentage of each stock price. To do this, divide the ending stock price by the beginning. Here's an example using ConocoPhillips (COP).

73.54/81.06 =  90.7%

In this case, the stock decreased by 9.3%. Make the calculation for each stock in your portfolio. and put the number in the last column, D.

7. Next, you'll need to analyze your portfolio. Create a Google Docs file in the same folder. Name the file Analysis. Format the file with Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced text. Analyze your portfolio by answering the following questions:

a. Which of your stock picks was the best performer, based on the spreadsheet?
b. Which was the worst performer?
c. Research your options. If you could sell any one stock and buy any one stock, which would it be? Why do you think your new pick would outperform the old? Keep in mind that past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Also, what stock might have been a poor performer may turn ut to be an outstanding performer in the future.

When you are finished, you'll have a shared folder named Portfolio Review. Inside that portfolio, you'll have the following files:

1. Google Sheets file named Portfolio with beginning, ending, and calculated increase or decrease in price.

2. Google Docs file named Analysis with your portfolio analysis. Format your paper in 12 point Times New Roman, double-spaced text.

This assignment is worth 20 points. All of your work is due at the end of the class so you'll need to stay focused in order to get this work completed.


Portfolio spreadsheet - 10 points
Stocks listed - 3 points
Beginning stock prices - 2 points
Ending stock prices - 2 points
Growth percentage calculations 3 points

Stock Analysis Document - 10 points
Question 1 answered - 2 points
Question 2 answered - 2 points
Question 3 answered 2 points
Grammar, usage and punctuation - 4 points
Make sure you use complete, well structured sentences.

Total points available - 20 points

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